At Golden Gloves Fitness, a lot of people ask us this: why be a Boxer? And we would like to let our main coach Alex answer that question. The reason why you want to become a boxer he says is to firstly to better yourself. You literally become a new enhanced version of YOU. Your health, that’s what matters. But, isn’t boxing about getting punched and because of that how is that good for your health? Well, that is a also a good question. There is no bad questions at our gym in Vaughan, we keep it 100% here and our answer to that is: you literally sweat out all the unwanted substances when you box.
When you first come to our gym, you will quickly realize we are about professionalism here. We want you to learn and become better each and every time. We like to be serious and at the same time to keep a fun atmosphere here at Golden Gloves. Yes, indeed, we are Boxer serious. Our head coach makes sure that your training is done right, not just some senseless punching. Once you break that sweat there is no telling how far you can go, that hour workout will simply flyby. We help you be fast on your feet and quick with your hands and we always like to keep things fun and interesting at our gym…
Now, physical aspects aside, the other reason why you would box is to help you focus and concentrate better. Yes, that’s right, if you are boxing properly you become sharper and begin thinking more clearly. With this new energy you can apply it to other aspects in life, including problem solving at work, not just feeling better physically. Certainly, being a good boxer means being strong physically and mentally.
One of the most later questions our gym goers ask is we have a boxer that competes. Yes, we do! His name is Augustino and his next fight is in October. And yes we do preparations for competitions. At our sports gym we make sure we set you at being a 100% professional boxer- that is our paramount goal. We know that you are feeling motivated now, why not come by our gym just north of Toronto? You can always call us at 416-569-9381, email us at or by coming by. Please click here for contact information.
We are always looking forward to be in touch with you and making you THE Boxer that you have always wanted to be. See you shortly and all the best from the Golden Gloves Fitness team.